The Rainbow Bridge
"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge." A great, heart warming poem that every pet owner should read. You can also post memorials to your pets on this site.
Grieving Your Pet
How you and your family can cope with your pet's loss and how to explain euthanasia to your children.
What to expect before, during and after you have to euthanise your pet. This articles takes an emotional and physical look at what you should expect and gives several euthanasia options and questions you should ask yourself about the decision.
Muns Pet Loss
A great article to help you through the loss of a pet. The stages of grief and handling the loss with your kids and other pets.
Pet Loss Poetry
From, a great list of poems that will warm you heart and ease your pain.
Forever Pets
This site sells memorials for your loved pet and has some gerat pet loss resources.
Support Group
A great site with many resources and a support group. Staffed and run by Cornell Veterinary school.
Whisper in the Heart
Keep your lost best friend close to your heart in this locket designed for displaying your pet's photos.