From Amanda:
Ferret Facts Find out a little about this misunderstood critter! Here's a hint, it's not a rat. It actually hunts them!
Ferrets Anonymous
Ferrets in the news, ferret laws, care FAQs and more. You can also join their ferret communities and meet other ferret owners.
Ferret Guardians
Sponsor a ferret, adopt a ferret or learn about ferrets. This site has a lot of educational resources to prevent more ferret owners from abandoning their pets.
Hamsters, Gerbils, Guinea Pigs
Hamster Haven
Very informative site has different hamster breeds, stories, photos, links, facts, care information, health information and more. Great resource!
Hamster Land
Lots of information about hamsters. Breeding info, nutrition, choosing and buying a hamster, FAQs, some names, diseases and an animal history. This site is great for those researching hamsters.
Cavies Galore
Cavies are Guinea pigs! This is a great site with forums, lots of information, chat stories, photos and more.
Michelle's Guinea Pigs
This site offers suggested reading, links, photos of Michelle's Guinea pigs and some helpful information.
Gerbil Behavior
What is your gerbil doing? More to the point, why is he doing it? This site has common behaviors and the causes behind them (many can relate to hamsters and other rodents too).
Gerbil Diseases
Find out how to diagnose, treat and give your gerbil a check-up! All pets with serious problems should be examined by a vet immediately.
Gerbil Housing
Build your own gerbil cage with this site. It includes many plans for the perfect gerbil cage. It hasn't been updated in a while, but it has some great photographs and plans anyway.
A little info about this dessert dwelling rodent. They are like big gerbils!
Mice and Rat Club
Information about keeping, showing, breeding and loving mice and rats. Has some great information about housing, feeding and general care.
Mice as Pets
Some general hints tips about keeping a pet mouse. Has some good toy recommendations.
Pet Rat Photos
Submit a photo of your pet rat or vote on the cutest one you see.
Rat and Mouse Club of America
Lots of great information about rats and mice as pets. This site includes a monthly newsletter with the latest on rat health and news.
Complete Rabbit Care
Lots and lots of articles from litter training your bunny to what treats are bad for him! You should read their care tips and tricks too.
Lots of information on care and food but my favorite section is the section about breeds. They have photos and descriptions of most breeds of rabbit. Find out which is right for you.
What is Good For Your Rabbit
Did you know that lettuce is bad for a bunny? Check this food pyramid before you give anything to your bunny!