Do you love pets? Contribute an article or photo to this site.
Excuse our mess, as of November 24, 2008 we're under construction! Enjoy the content and come back for lots more soon!
|  | Ferret Facts - Find out a little about this misunderstood critter! Here's a hint, it's not a rat. It actually hunts them! |  | Is my snake going to kill me? - Can a ball python eat a child? What about giving them a deadly disease? Are snakes really dangerous pets? The rumors of killer snakes are greatly exaggerated! |  | Allergy Free Puppies - Can people with allergies get a dog? Although no dog is truely "hypoallergenic" some dogs are better for allergy sufferers than others. There are also some very simple ways to fight allergies and keep your pet. |
Health |
| Dogs | |
| | Fish |
| Small Mammals | |
| | Birds |
| Exotic Pets | |
| | Reptiles |
| Shopping | |
| - Coming soon; pet supplies, art, etc.
| Fun Stuff |
| Misc. | |
| |
Do you have a question? E-mail me and I might answer it in my next article! You can contribute to this site! Because we can't cover all the topics ourselves, we're searching for good articles, cute photos and desktop themes. E-mail Amanda for details or with content you want to contribue.
Pets are part of the family and taking proper care of them is important! Use this site as an aid to help you find information about your favorite furry (or scaly, feathered, slimy or other) friends. I've also included links to some of my favorite books and pet products throughout the site. The webmaster and editor of this site is an avid pet lover who has volunteered at the local shelters, veterinary emergency clinics and other animal facilities. She is not a veterinarian. Advice offered on this site is not meant to take place of advice offered by an animal health care professional. Please see our Disclaimer. Taking care of a pet is a big commitment and responsibility. The love you get in return is well worth the effort spent reading about them and learning about them. |